MAPS Bylaws – December 2020

ARTICLE I – Name and Purpose

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be “The Morton Arboretum
Photographic Society” (MAPS).

Section 2. The purpose of MAPS shall be to extend the mission and programs of The Morton Arboretum Education Group, to give encouragement and stimulation, to exchange pertinent information, and to provide working programs and exhibitions for those interested in nature photography. MAPS is committed to a culture of diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion among the MAPS membership and at all MAPS programs, events, outings, and activities.

Section 3. MAPS is an educational affiliate of The Morton Arboretum of Lisle, Illinois, which in turn exists as a private, not-for-profit, tax-exempt educational foundation. MAPS shall be subject to the current “Guidelines for Special Interest Groups Affiliated with The Morton Arboretum”.

Section 4. MAPS funds shall be spent for support of the organization. No officer or member of MAPS shall benefit financially at the expense of MAPS or The Morton Arboretum.

ARTICLE II – Membership

Section 1. Membership shall be open to all those interested in nature photography. MAPS is committed to a culture of diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion among the MAPS membership and at all MAPS programs, events, outings, and activities.

Section 2. MAPS accepts memberships year-round. Dues are established by the MAPS Board of Directors and published on our website.

Section 3. MAPS members are encouraged, but not required, to be members of The Morton Arboretum.

ARTICLE III – Officers

Section 1. The officers of MAPS shall be elected for a term of two years. Officers may be reelected for additional two-year terms until their successors are elected.

The officers shall be:

  • President – to preside at Monthly MAPS Board and General Membership meetings, to prepare an agenda, and to serve as official spokesperson for MAPS, in consultation with The Morton Arboretum Staff Liaison.
  • Vice President – to preside at meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice President will succeed the President in the event of an incomplete, unfilled term of the President.
  • Secretary – to keep minutes of each board meeting, including announcements of board meetings to the Executive Board. Keep and post minutes for the annual meeting. In the case the secretary is not able to attend the above meetings the President shall appoint a designated substitute.
  • Treasurer – to be custodian of all MAPS funds, to keep accurate records of the funds, and to present a report annually to the membership. The Treasurer, with the Executive Board, is responsible for preparing a budget which shall be approved by the appropriate Arboretum administrator and MAPS membership. The Treasurer may, from time to time, submit changes in the budget for the current fiscal year to the Executive Board for approval, as above. The Treasurer must seek approval of the Board President, or if the President is not available the approval of two or more Board officers before writing a check in excess of $500.
  • Membership – to be responsible for collecting dues and transmitting them to the Treasurer; keeping an accurate list of the members; sending communications; and reporting membership numbers at the monthly Board meetings.
  • The retiring Past President shall be a member of the Executive Board for one year.

Section 2. The slate of candidates shall be selected by a Nominating Committee of at least three members, appointed by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board. The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least one representative from the Executive Board, and two persons from the general membership.

Section 3. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a single slate of candidates and obtain agreement from the nominees to serve, if elected. The committee shall communicate the proposed slate of officers to the membership at least four weeks before the annual meeting. Additional nominations may be made by the General Membership. The additional nominations must be communicated to the Board at least two weeks prior to the General Membership meeting to allow for the preparation of ballots.

Section 4. Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall take office at the close of that meeting. A majority of those members voting shall be sufficient for election. When there is more than one nominee for an office, a vote by ballot shall be taken.

ARTICLE IV – Executive Board (The Board)

Section 1. The Board shall be composed of the officers, the chairpersons of the standing committees, the Arboretum Staff Liaison and the past President.

Section 2. A quorum for conducting business shall be five Board Members. The President or Vice President plus the Secretary, or their designees, shall be present. If financial discussions are held the treasurer shall be present as well.

Section 3. The Board shall be responsible for the direction of MAPS Activities.

Section 4. The Board shall oversee MAPS funds and financial records and appoint an auditor for an audit every 5 years. If a Treasurer resigns, a special audit shall be held.

Section 5. The Board shall appoint successors to fill remaining terms of officers.

Section 6. The Board shall meet at the discretion of the President, no less than eight times a year.

Section 7. Meetings of the Board are open to all other members of MAPS, as non-voting members.

ARTICLE V – Meetings

Section 1. There shall be twelve meetings per year: on the second Monday of each month from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at The Morton Arboretum. The Executive Board may change a date or place if deemed necessary.

Section 2. Additional special interest meetings may be scheduled at any time by the Executive Board. The membership may make a request to the Board for special interest meetings.

Section 3. The membership year shall run between January 1 and December 31. The annual meeting shall be the December meeting.

Section 4. Twenty percent (20%) of the membership plus three of the five Executive Board officers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 5. Two weeks before the annual meeting, all Executive Board members shall submit a brief report of the MAPS activities for the past year to the President.

ARTICLE VI – Arboretum Staff Liaison

MAPS shall have a liaison, who is a staff member of The Morton Arboretum. It is the Liaison’s responsibility to guide MAPS and its activities in ways that maintain integration with the overall Arboretum program and philosophy; to help arrange scheduling and logistics; to serve as liaison between Arboretum staff, administration and MAPS; and to negotiate differences. The Liaison is a signatory on the MAPS checking account.

ARTICLE VII – Committees

Section 1. The following standing committees and their chairpersons shall be appointed by the President with the advice of the Executive Board. All committee chairpersons shall act in cooperation with the Arboretum Staff Liaison.

  • The Program Committee shall arrange programs in support of MAPS objectives, drawing on talents of the members and other resources, and shall obtain special equipment as needed; including the responsibility of maintaining and updating the MAPS web site calendar on a timely basis. Welcoming and assisting program presenters shall be a priority of the Program Committee Chairperson. The President or Vice President may substitute if the Program Committee Chairperson is not available.
  • The Social Committee shall be responsible for all social and hospitality activities.
  • The Exhibits Committee shall be responsible for investigating possibilities for exhibitions of members’ work and make all arrangements associated with such exhibitions, including the Annual MAPS Nature Photography Exhibit; and including funding for the specific purpose of covering the expenses of exhibits.
  • The Photo Outings Committee shall be responsible for arranging all aspects of member photo outings in support of MAPS objectives at locations throughout the local area.
  • The Web Content Committee shall be responsible for web site maintenance and standardization of all content provided by various resource providers, including the timely posting of all approved information.
  • The Show and Tell Committee shall be responsible soliciting and displaying suitable subject matter at each regular meeting prior to the program.
  • The Images Committee shall be responsible for maintaining the Destinations and Featured Images portions of the MAPS website.

Section 2. Other committees, standing or special, shall be appointed by the President of MAPS or the Executive Board as they shall deem necessary. The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

ARTICLE VIII – Parliamentary Authority

The rules in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern MAPS in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order MAPS may adopt.

ARTICLE IX – Amendment of Bylaws

Any of the foregoing bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at one of the twelve regular meetings, provided the members present constitute a quorum, and also provided that the proposed amendment has been approved by the Executive Board and by the Arboretum Staff Liaison.

ARTICLE X – Dissolution

In the event of consideration of dissolution of MAPS or of disaffiliation from the Arboretum, a vote of a three-fourths majority of the members present at one of the twelve regular meetings is sufficient. At the time of dissolution or disaffiliation, all assets held in common by the membership shall revert to the ownership of the Arboretum.