February 7, 2015 – Hausermann’s Orchid Nursery – Villa Park     

We had a great turnout for our outing to Hausermann’s. There was plenty of space for everyone to set up a working area with their favorite subjects. The sunny day gave us good light – and lots of warmth! There were plenty of varieties of orchid types in a multitude of colors to photograph, and everyone seemed to have a good time. We raffled off a gift card that Andy Dichter won, so Sue got an orchid! Remember to click on a photo to watch the slide show.

1 Response to February 7, 2015 – Hausermann’s Orchid Nursery – Villa Park     

  1. Chuck Morris says:

    All cool photos. My favorite for its lighting is #32 from the top- two backlit white blooms in portrait mode. Thanks Hester and Tim for a challenging and enjoyable outing…
    Chuck Morris

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